Tags: open hardware

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  1. ein open source midi mixer
  2. pflanzen + arduino + twitter == botanicalls
  3. Do-It-Yourself Book Scanning is using cheap, compact cameras* and Free software to scan books quickly and efficiently. DIY Book Scanners can be as simple as a camera and a piece of glass [PDF] or as involved as the Instructable that brought our community together [PDF / Vimeo]. We've come a long way since then. We have GPL-licensed laser cut designs, aluminum designs, and detailed instructions for beginners. We have built hundreds of scanners and freely shared thousands of design improvements.
  4. die cc alternative zu arduino. arduino kompatibel und frei verwendbar
  5. arduino hacking contest: momo und das gewinner roboter projekt find ich am fettesten
  6. We are committed to the ideal of freely available, freely usable and re-usable open source hardware.
  7. 09-04-2010 to by totpunk and -1 others
  8. erklärung zu arduino interrupts

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